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Chengde suken Yinhe company and Chengde Applied Technology Vocational College held the signing cerem

Release time:2021-11-04 10:23:55Reading volume:


Recently, Chengde suken Yinhe connecting rod Co., Ltd. and Chengde Applied Technology Vocational College held the signing ceremony of school enterprise cooperation and the unveiling ceremony of Industrial College in yingvocational college. Li Hong, general manager, deputy secretary of the Party committee and director of Yunnan Xiyi Industry Co., Ltd., executive director and party secretary of suken galaxy, Huang Yongsheng, general manager of suken galaxy, Ding Wenyin, deputy secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and chairman of the trade union, Wang Zhifei and Zhang Yong, deputy general managers, personnel from relevant departments, bu Lixin, Secretary of the Party committee of the vocational college, Wang Xinghua, President and Hou Hongchang, vice president, Representatives of some teachers and students of the college attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Zhang Xinqi, vice president of vocational college.


At the ceremony, Li Hong and bu Lixin jointly unveiled the "Chengde Applied Technology Vocational College - Chengde suken Galaxy connecting rod Co., Ltd. intelligent manufacturing industry college". The unveiling of the Institute of industry is an important milestone and marks a new stage for the company's school enterprise cooperation. In the future, relying on the Institute of industry, the University and the enterprise will jointly carry out modern apprenticeship training cooperation, jointly build a shared productive (authentic) industry education integration base, jointly build a "double qualified and dual capable" teaching team, jointly build an industry university research cooperation platform, and jointly formulate enterprise vocational training programs. The two sides will officially form an open, shared, CO created A community of shared destiny with win-win development will jointly cultivate talents, share resources, jointly develop courses, jointly build teachers, jointly innovate, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in various fields.


Li Hong made a speech. This cooperation is a very valuable, meaningful and promising cooperation, which is of great significance to the industrial scale and development prospect of the enterprise. The cooperation must leave a brilliant mark in the development history of the company. Both schools and enterprises are deeply connected in product R & D, technological innovation, vocational training, employment and entrepreneurship, professional construction, talent training, base construction and cultural inheritance, deepen the integration of industry and education, consolidate the foundation of cooperation, consolidate traditional advantages, complement each other in resources, support each other, and undertake product processing in combination with the actual production of enterprises and schools, Truly realize the integration of schools and enterprises, industry and education, and create a benchmark for Industry and education integration. Li Hong stressed that she expects the school enterprise cooperation projects to be solid, strong and bigger, so as to truly realize the win-win and common development of enterprises and schools.



Huang Yongsheng signed a contract with Wang Xinghua and presented each other with plaques.

The signing of cooperation between Chengde suken Galaxy company and the college and enterprise and the unveiling of the College of industry are important achievements made by the two sides in deepening school enterprise cooperation and promoting school enterprise integration. In the future, the two sides will continue to deepen cooperation, work bravely, explore and innovate, work together to improve the quality of education, import front-line practical technical talents for enterprises, and work together in enterprises and colleges. The cooperation between the two sides will be a complete success and bear fruitful results.
